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Big Meat Eater (1982) - George Dawson, Andrew Gillies, Clarence 'Big' Miller

Actor:George Dawson, Andrew Gillies, Clarence 'Big' Miller, Stephen Dimopoulos, Georgina Hegedos, Ida Carnevali, Howard Taylor, Heather Smith-Harper, Peter Anderson, Gillian Neumann, Sharon Wahl, Jon Bryden, Shannon Keane, Kim Stebner, Jay Samwald

After killing the crooked mayor a homicidal janitor named Abdullah goes to work for a butcher who has invented a new language for the town's planned futuristic theme park. In the butcher shop is a septic tank where scraps of meat are dumped which has produced balonium a radioactive fuel source sought after by space aliens. The aliens revive the mayor, who's body is hanging in the meat locker of the butcher shop, in an attempt to gain access to the balonium.This movie is truly one of the strangest and most remarkable things ever produced by pop culture. Lurking beneath its absurd, low-budget exterior and impossibly convoluted story is a bizarre, ironic kind of intelligence. One gets the sense that the gawdawfulness one is witnessing is actually carefully orchestrated in some sense, but it's vague and hard to grasp...

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